Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Super Cyborg Megazord for Super7
We have been sculpting a lot of really fun and interesting projects for our friends at Super7. The latest Super7 release that we can reveal is the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers MegaZord in their Super Cyborg line. Huge, detailed and awesome figure, just the way we like it! Order the MegaZord here directly from Super7.
Megazord activated! Powered up and ready to go, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers full-color Super Cyborg figure is primed for action! This highly articulated 11” Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Super Cyborg Megazord figure features a removable chest plate that reveals all of the Power Rangers inside, as well as the inner workings of their most powerful weapon. With accurate sculpting and proportions throughout, premium paint detail, and Power Sword accessory, the full color Super Cyborg Megazord would be an awesome centerpiece of any MMPR collection!