Nouns are a fantastic concept in the Web3 space, with one single Noun auctioned each day , forever. We’re working closely with the NounsDAO on proliferating their IP and developing multiple Nounish experiences and projects. We’ve designs and produced the iconic red Nouns glasses, as well as a collection of lifestyle accessories, paper goods and toys. We’ve also rolled out an AR experience so that the Instagram user can make videos wearing virtual Nouns glasses, or placing them on other people, places and things. The digital Noggles will also be available in the metaverse to lace out your avatar. Get ready!

Bigshot Toyworks is uniquely positioned to merchandise NFT collections from soup to nuts, from the design and manufacturing of the consumer products to the direct to consumer sales via tailored/bespoke web shops, US-based warehousing and logistics. We can handle every element of this extremely complex ecommerce ecosystem, so that the creators of NFT projects can continue to focus on developing their communities and pushing out valuable digital collectibles without losing focus on their road map.

We want busy creators to stay busy creating!